Covid19 Precautions

New practices and protocols for cleaning and operations:


  • All haircut-only appointments (short turn over) are suspend at the moment. We are only accepting long appointment times such as haircuts with color (2-3hr). No double bookings in order to limit client and staff exposures.
  • Stylists must wear agreed PPE as recommended by Heath directives until further notice. PPE may include face masks, face shields and gloves. Currently asking all stylist to have their hair tied off their faces.
  • Stylists are asked to arrive 15 mins prior to the start of their day to clean in preparation. Cleaning throughout the day and after every client is a must. For good time management, consider booking a 15min clean-up time after every appointment in Schedulicity. 
  • There will be a designated bottle of cleaner for every station, the bathroom, the colour bar and the front desk.
  • Before leaving your station, a wipe down of the front desk, debit/credit machine and iPad, and the colour bar is mandatory. Each stylist chair is to be wiped down completely after ever client.
  • Highly touched surfaces must be wiped down several times a day (broom handles, light switches, all door handles including the bathroom, the color bar and salon entrance).
  • We will keep the salon doors open when ever possible to increase air flow. We will run fans for circulation.
  • Floors are to be fully swept (so the sinks don’t clog) and then mopped everyday (a few drops of antibacterial dish soap in the wash bucket with warm water). The retail area and product bottles needs to be constantly wiped down.
  • Do not use neck brushes – use a clean, freshly laundered cloth to remove hair from neck areas.
  • New capes and towels for every client.
  • All beverage offerings and magazines are suspended at this time.
  • Sanitize all tools, combs, brushes and clippers with barbicide or alcohol or  soak in soap and water for 10mins

Stylist MUST call clients 24hrs prior to their appointments to confirm the following: 

  • They are 100% healthy. For any reason a client is not, please insist on rebooking the client at another time.
  • The client has not been exposed to anyone who is sick (family members) or has been exposed to anyone with Covid 19.
  • Clients must agree to wear a mask while in the salon, wash their hands upon entry and have their electronic devices/phones wiped down.
  • A phone consultation with the client prior to arrival will help speed the time clients are exposed in the salon. Mention that styling/blowdry is optional at this time if they want to leave early. Be sure to ask if they need products and have those set aside. (Note: it would be a great idea to have a separate note pad to write down the details)


  • Mandatory for clients to wear a mask. If clients do not provide a mask themselves, then a mask will be provided at a charge.
  • Clients are to wash their hands immediately upon arrival or use hand sanitizer at the door and have their devices/phones sanitized. Sanitizing solution will be provided.
  • Clients will be asked to refrain from having family, friends or children in the salon with them during their services to minimize the number of people in the salon at any one time.
  • No waiting inside of the salon. Seating will be provided outside.